A Message From Our CEO

We’re four days into April and already, the first signs of spring are starting to appear. All around RVH, the gardens are showing new signs of life with daffodil and tulip shoots poking through the soil. These small signs of sunnier days are ones that all of us can be grateful for as we move forward into the spring season.

Showing gratitude is a practice I try to incorporate into my life every single day. Whether it’s a short note to a colleague, a simple thank you to a stranger who held a door, or a spontaneous gesture of kindness, expressing gratitude not only helps us all live happier and more joyful lives, but it also lifts the people around us by showing how much we care.

In fact, the impact of your gratitude can change the way RVH’s health care teams deliver the world-class, exceptional care we all deserve. If you’ve been around the health centre lately, you may have seen RVH’s grateful patient program: My Care Hero . This program can help patients say “thanks” to their care providers for the compassionate care they’ve received at RVH through a donation or by sharing their care story—both of which reinforce the value and real-world impact of the work our care teams dedicate themselves to every day.

Gratitude is a gift we all have the power to give. This month, I hope you’ll join me in finding meaningful ways to say thank you. The My Care Hero program is just one way to support our health care heroes. There’s also National Volunteer Week from April 15 to April 19 when we’ll be saluting the work that our volunteers do to help advance access to world-class, life-saving care for everyone in Simcoe Muskoka. Volunteers truly have the power to change lives.

So, I sign off with my thanks to you, as well, for your continued support of RVH. Because of you, everyone in our region can be confident that they will receive the advanced care they need close to home so that they can live healthy, wild lives.

With gratitude,

Pamela Ross, CFRE, CMP

CEO, RVH Foundation

If you are inspired to join the fight to keep life wild, please consider donating using the form below

Introducing the David and Catherine Hudson Regional Cancer Centre

The big day has arrived! The Simcoe Muskoka Regional Cancer Centre has been officially renamed the David and Catherine Hudson Regional Cancer Centre. Interior and exterior signage, along with wayfinding signage, has been updated throughout the health centre in recognition of David and Catherine’s historic gift.

While the name may have changed, our patients can still expect to receive the same advanced, world-class, compassionate care that the Cancer Centre is known for.

Meet Dianne Mehaffy: Dedicated Volunteer and Cancer Survivor

Dianne Mehaffy is a member of the RVH Auxiliary and a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma survivor. Dianne received her cancer diagnosis in 2013 and received chemotherapy and radiation at RVH’s cancer centre. Her interaction with one RVH volunteer inspired her to take on the role herself: “One volunteer would keep me company, tell me stories, and talked about her life growing up on a farm and never once brought up my cancer. She made me feel important.” Dianne has welcomed countless patients to the cancer centre in her time as a volunteer. Click below to read more.