From The Peaks, to the Polls.

  • Email or call local candidates.
  • Write a letter to the editor to highlight RVH’s needs.
  • Not sure what to write? Check out the letter in the Election Toolkit.
  • Tag candidates in social posts and ask for their stance.
  • Engage with their posts to keep RVH top of mind.
  • Share personal stories about why expansion matters.
  • Use the social media resources in the Election Toolkit.
  • Talk to friends, family, and coworkers.
  • Encourage others to ask candidates about RVH.
  • Share the infographic in the Election Toolkit.
  • Attend events and debates and ask candidates about RVH’s expansion.
  • Talk to party volunteers about their candidate’s stance.
  • Download key messages in the Election Toolkit.

Visit the Elections Ontario website or download the app for up-to-date candidate listings and resources on voter registration, electoral maps, and more.

Stephen CiesielskiGreen Party of Ontario GPO
Andrew HarriganOntario NDP/NPD
Andrea KhanjinPC Party of Ontario
Dane LeeOntario Liberal Party
Sam MangiapaneNew Blue Party
Anna YuryevaOntario Moderate Party
Alex Della VenturaNew Blue Party
Doug DowneyPC Party of Ontario
Tim GrantGreen Party of Ontario GPO
Tracey LaphamOntario NDP/NPD
Erin PattersonLibertarian
Rose ZachariasOntario Liberal Party
Walter Alvarez-BardalesOntario Liberal Party
Dave BrunelleNew Blue Party
Chris CarrGreen Party of Ontario GPO
Jill DunlopPC Party of Ontario
William JoslinLibertarian
Jordi MalcomOntario NDP/NPD
Ted CryslerOntario Liberal Party
David GhobrialNew Blue Party
Allan KuhnGreen Party of Ontario GPO
Brian SaundersonPC Party of Ontario
Benten TinklerOntario NDP/NPD
David InnesOntario Liberal Party
Helen KroekerOntario Party
Brandon NicksyNew Blue Party
Matt RichterGreen Party of Ontario GPO
Jim RonholmOntario NDP/NPD
Graydon SmithPC Party of Ontario